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  • 4 species

    spĕcĭes, ēi ( gen. sing. specie or specii, Matius ap. Gell. 9, 14, 15; gen. and dat. plur. were not in use in Cicero's time, but formarum, formis were used instead; cf. Cic. Top. 7, 30.—At a later period were introduced:


    Pall. Oct. 14, 15; Cod. Just. 1, 2, 10; Cael. Aur. Tard. 1, 5, § 151; cf. Charis. p. 18 P.; and Diom. p. 281 P.:


    App. ad Asclep. p. 92, 25; Cod. Just. 11, 9, 1 al.; Dig. 28, 2, 29, § 10), f. [specio].
    Act., a seeing, sight, look, view (rare; cf.

    aspectus): speciem quo vortimus,

    Lucr. 4, 242; so id. 4, 236 (for which, a little before, visus); 5, 707; 5, 724; Vitr. 3, 2 fin.; 5, 9:

    si tantis intervallis nostra species potest id animadvertere,

    id. 9, 4:

    qui sensus nostros specie primā acerrime commovent,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 25, 98:

    qui doloris speciem ferre non possunt,

    id. Tusc. 2, 23, 54.—
    Pass., prop. that which is seen in a thing, i. e. the outward appearance, outside, exterior; shape, form, figure, mien, etc. (freq. and class.; syn. forma).

    praeter speciem stultus,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 2, 49:

    quod speciem ac formam similem gerit ejus imago,

    Lucr. 4, 52; cf.:

    quae species formaque pugnae, qui motus hominum non ita expictus est, ut, etc.,

    outlines, contours, Cic. Tusc. 5, 39, 114:

    esse aliquem humanā specie et figurā,

    id. Rosc. Am. 22, 63:

    hominis esse specie deos confitendum est,

    id. N. D. 1, 18, 48:

    edepol specie lepida mulier!

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 4, 2; cf.:

    bellan' videtur specie mulier?

    id. Bacch. 4, 7, 40; id. Most. 1, 3, 23; id. Mil. 4, 2, 10; 4, 6, 20:

    urbis speciem vidi,

    id. Pers. 4, 4, 2; so,

    species praeclara oppidi,

    Cic. Rep. 3, 32, 44; id. Verr. 2, 4, 58, § 129:

    sphaerae (Archimedeae), etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 14, 21:


    Caes. B. G. 4, 25; cf.:

    nova atque inusitata,

    id. ib. 2, 31:


    id. ib. 7, 36:

    agro bene culto nihil potest esse specie ornatius,

    Cic. Sen. 16, 57:

    horum hominum species est honestissima,

    id. Cat. 2, 8, 18:

    ad speciem magnifico ornatu,

    as to outward appearance, id. Verr. 2, 1, 22, § 58:


    id. Rep. 3, 33, 45:

    nec ulla deformior species est civitatis, quam illa, in quā opulentissimi optimi putantur,

    id. Rep. 1, 34, 51: speciem honesti habere, the look or semblance of what is right, id. Off. 3, 2, 7:

    turba majorem quam pro numero speciem ferens,

    Curt. 3, 2, 3; cf.:

    fallaces sunt rerum species, quibus credimus,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 34, 1.—
    Something seen, a spectacle, sight, appearance:

    ponite itaque ante oculos miseram quidem illam ac flebilem speciem,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 3:

    non tulit hanc speciem furiatā mente Coroebus,

    Verg. A. 2, 407 (cf. I. supra).—
    Trop., that which is seen by the mind, an idea, notion: hanc illi idean appellabant:

    nos recte speciem possumus dicere,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 8, 30; cf. id. Top. 7, 30:

    insidebat in ejus mente species eloquentiae,

    id. Or. 5, 18:

    excellentis eloquentiae speciem et formam adumbrabimus,

    id. ib. 14, 43:

    species, forma et notio viri boni,

    id. Off. 3, 20, 81; cf.:

    prima sit haec forma et species et origo tyranni,

    id. Rep. 2, 29, 51:

    qui species alias veri scelerisque capiet,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 208:

    utinam non inanes species anxio animo figuraret,

    Curt. 7, 1, 36.—
    In partic.
    A look, show, seeming, appearance, semblance, pretence, cloak, color, pretext, etc. (opp. that which is real, actual, etc.).
    In gen.:

    obiciuntur saepe formae, quae reapse nullae sunt, speciem autem offerunt,

    Cic. Div. 1, 37, 81:

    ista securitas specie quidem blanda sed reapse, etc.,

    id. Lael. 13, 47:

    cujus rei species erat acceptio frumenti,

    Sall. J. 29, 4:

    fraudi imponere aliquam speciem juris,

    Liv. 9, 11:

    specie liberā... re verā, etc.,

    id. 35, 31; cf.:

    litteras inanis vanā specie libertatis adumbratas esse,

    id. 33, 31, 2 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    plurimi ibi a fallaci equitum specie agasonibusque excepti sunt,

    id. 7, 15, 7:

    si dux primam speciem adpropinquantis terroris sustinuisset,

    id. 44, 6, 6 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    quae (nomina) primā specie admirationem, re explicatā risum movent,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 22, 61:

    quaedam humanitatis habent primam speciem ut misericordia,

    id. Tusc. 4, 14, 32:

    similitudinem quandam speciemque sapientium gerere,

    id. Off. 3, 4, 16:

    si speciem utilitatis voluptas habere dicetur,

    id. ib. 3, 33, 120.— Hence,
    Esp. with gen. of that which is assumed or pretended, under pretext of, under pretence of, etc.
    With abl.:

    fortis viros specie quādam virtutis adsimulatae tenebat,

    Cic. Cael. 6, 14.—
    With sub:

    sub specie tutelae liberūm ejus invasisse regnum,

    Curt. 9, 2, 7; 10, 6, 21; Liv. 44, 24, 4.—
    With per:

    per speciem celebrandarum cantu epularum,

    Liv. 9, 30, 8:

    per speciem auxilii Byzantiis ferendi, re ipsā, etc.,

    id. 39, 35, 4; 40, 13, 8; 42, 52, 8.—
    With in:

    si quis in speciem refectionis (viae) deteriorem viam facit,

    Dig. 43, 11, 1, § 2.—Adverb.: in speciem, for a show, as a pretence:

    haud dubio in speciem consensu fit ad Poenos deditio,

    Liv. 24, 1, 8:

    dilatā in speciem actione, re ipsā sublatā,

    id. 3, 9, 13; so,

    ad speciem tabernaculis relictis,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 35 fin.; id. B. G. 1, 51; Quint. Cic. Pet. Cons. 5, 18 al.—
    Also with gen.: in speciem, after the manner, in the fashion, like (cf. tamquam; poet.):

    inque chori ludunt speciem,

    Ov. M. 3, 685:

    in montis speciem curvari,

    id. ib. 15, 509; cf.:

    scorpiones vermiculos ovorum specie pariunt,

    Plin. 11, 25, 30, § 86.—
    Pregn., like the Engl. show, for ornament, display, splendor, beauty (cf.:

    dignitas, venustas): ut in usum boni sint et in speciem populo,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 2, 42:

    fuit pompa, fuit species, fuit incessus saltem Seplasiā dignus et Capuā,

    Cic. Pis. 11, 24:

    adhibere quandam in dicendo speciem atque pompam,

    id. de Or. 2, 72, 294:

    speciem candoremque caeli,

    id. Tusc. 1, 28, 68; cf. id. N. D. 2, 37; 2, 39:

    specie et motu capere homines,

    id. Brut. 62, 224:

    triumpho praebere speciem,

    Liv. 34, 52, 10:

    addere speciem,

    id. 37, 40; 9, 40:

    si fortunatum species et gratia praestat,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 6, 49; cf. id. ib. 2, 2, 203:

    ducit te species,

    id. S. 2, 2, 35:

    speciem Saturnia vaccae probat,

    Ov. M. 1, 612:


    Juv. 10, 310:


    Curt. 7, 9, 19; Vitr. 3, 2.—
    Concr. (for simulacrum, i. q. eidôgon).
    An appearance in sleep, a vision, apparition (mostly poet.), Lucr. 1, 125:

    repetit quietis Ipsa suae speciem,

    Ov. M. 9, 473:

    voce suā specieque viri turbata soporem Excutit,

    id. ib. 11, 677:

    in quiete utrique consuli eadem dicitur visa species viri, etc.,

    Liv. 8, 6:

    per nocturnas species,

    id. 26, 19; cf.:

    mirabundi velut ad somni vanam speciem,

    id. 33, 32, 7; Sil. 13, 394; Curt. 3, 6, 7.—
    A likeness, image, statue: tum species ex aere vetus concidit... Et divum simulacra peremit fulminis ardor... Sancta Jovis species... Haec tardata diu species tandem celsā in sede locata, Cic. poët. Div. 1, [p. 1737] 12, 21.—
    Reputation, honor:

    o speciem dignitatemque populi Romani, quam reges pertimescant,

    Cic. Dom. 33, 89.—
    The particular thing among many to which the looks are turned; hence, a particular sort, kind, or quality, a species:

    species pars est generis,

    App. Asclep. p. 78, 26:

    harum singula genera minimum in binas species dividi possunt, etc.,

    Varr. R. R. 3, 3, 3; cf.:

    genus est id, quod sui similes communione quādam, specie autem differentes, duas aut plures complectitur partes,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 42, 189:

    primum illud genus quaerimus, ex quo ceterae species suspensae sunt... Homo species est, ut Aristoteles ait, canis species: commune his vinculum animal,

    Sen. Ep. 58, 7; Varr. R. R. 1, 9, 4; id. L. L. 10, § 18; Cic. Inv. 1, 27, 40; id. Or. 10, 33; id. Top. 18, 68; Quint. 3, 6, 26; 3, 10, 2; 5, 10, 90 al.: codicillis multas species vestis, argenti specialiter reliquit, many kinds or sorts, Dig. 34, 2, 19; cf. ib. 41, 1, 7.—
    In later jurid. lang., a special case:

    proponitur apud eum species talis: Sutor puero discenti cervicem percussit, etc.,

    Dig. 9, 2, 5 fin.; 31, 1, 85.—
    In late Lat., goods, wares (that are classed together; cf. assortment);


    Cod. Just. 1, 2, 10:


    ib. 11, 73, 3:

    vendenda sit species,

    i. e. wine, Pall. Oct. 14, 3.—Esp., spices, drugs, etc., Macr. S. 7, 8 med.; Dig. 39, 4, 16, § 7; Pall. Oct. 14 fin.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > species

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